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- [ DB ] INIT mysql
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- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cg_hook` [ RunTime:0.000690s ]
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- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cg_portal_category` [ RunTime:0.000650s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `parent_id` = 12 [ RunTime:0.000550s ]
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- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `parent_id` IN (13,20,25,31,37) [ RunTime:0.000462s ]
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- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cg_sucai` [ RunTime:0.000640s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `cg_sucai` `a` INNER JOIN `cg_portal_category` `b` ON `b`.`id`=`a`.`classify` WHERE `state` = 1 AND `classify` IN (14,15,16,17,18,19,21,22,23,24,26,27,28,29,30,32,33,34,35,36,38,39,40,41,42,43,96,98,109,110,111,112,113,114,115,123,124,125,127,128,129,147,148) [ RunTime:0.006929s ]
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- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cg_theme_file` [ RunTime:0.000694s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = '2020' AND `file` = 'portal/index' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000380s ]
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- [ EXPLAIN : array (
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'extra' => 'Using where',
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- [ SQL ] UPDATE `cg_theme_file` SET `theme` = '2020' , `action` = 'portal/Page/index' , `file` = 'portal/page' , `name` = '单页面' , `more` = '{\"widgets\":{\"hottest_articles\":{\"title\":\"\\u70ed\\u95e8\\u6587\\u7ae0\",\"display\":\"1\",\"vars\":{\"hottest_articles_category_id\":{\"title\":\"\\u6587\\u7ae0\\u5206\\u7c7bID\",\"value\":\"\",\"type\":\"text\",\"dataSource\":{\"api\":\"portal\\/category\\/index\",\"multi\":true},\"placeholder\":\"\\u8bf7\\u9009\\u62e9\\u5206\\u7c7b\",\"tip\":\"\",\"rule\":{\"require\":true}}}},\"last_articles\":{\"title\":\"\\u6700\\u65b0\\u53d1\\u5e03\",\"display\":\"1\",\"vars\":{\"last_articles_category_id\":{\"title\":\"\\u6587\\u7ae0\\u5206\\u7c7bID\",\"value\":\"\",\"type\":\"text\",\"dataSource\":{\"api\":\"portal\\/category\\/index\",\"multi\":true},\"placeholder\":\"\\u8bf7\\u9009\\u62e9\\u5206\\u7c7b\",\"tip\":\"\",\"rule\":{\"require\":true}}}}}}' , `config_more` = '{\"widgets\":{\"hottest_articles\":{\"title\":\"\\u70ed\\u95e8\\u6587\\u7ae0\",\"display\":\"1\",\"vars\":{\"hottest_articles_category_id\":{\"title\":\"\\u6587\\u7ae0\\u5206\\u7c7bID\",\"value\":\"\",\"type\":\"text\",\"dataSource\":{\"api\":\"portal\\/category\\/index\",\"multi\":true},\"placeholder\":\"\\u8bf7\\u9009\\u62e9\\u5206\\u7c7b\",\"tip\":\"\",\"rule\":{\"require\":true}}}},\"last_articles\":{\"title\":\"\\u6700\\u65b0\\u53d1\\u5e03\",\"display\":\"1\",\"vars\":{\"last_articles_category_id\":{\"title\":\"\\u6587\\u7ae0\\u5206\\u7c7bID\",\"value\":\"\",\"type\":\"text\",\"dataSource\":{\"api\":\"portal\\/category\\/index\",\"multi\":true},\"placeholder\":\"\\u8bf7\\u9009\\u62e9\\u5206\\u7c7b\",\"tip\":\"\",\"rule\":{\"require\":true}}}}}}' , `description` = '单页面模板文件' , `is_public` = 0 , `list_order` = 10 WHERE `theme` = '2020' AND `file` = 'portal/page' [ RunTime:0.004689s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = '2020' AND `file` = 'portal/search' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000462s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
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'rows' => 13,
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'extra' => 'Using where',
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- [ SQL ] UPDATE `cg_theme_file` SET `theme` = '2020' , `action` = 'portal/search/index' , `file` = 'portal/search' , `name` = '搜索页面' , `more` = '{\"vars\":{\"varName1\":{\"title\":\"\\u70ed\\u95e8\\u641c\\u7d22\",\"value\":\"1\",\"type\":\"text\",\"tip\":\"\\u8fd9\\u662f\\u4e00\\u4e2atext\",\"rule\":{\"require\":true}}}}' , `config_more` = '{\"vars\":{\"varName1\":{\"title\":\"\\u70ed\\u95e8\\u641c\\u7d22\",\"value\":\"1\",\"type\":\"text\",\"tip\":\"\\u8fd9\\u662f\\u4e00\\u4e2atext\",\"rule\":{\"require\":true}}}}' , `description` = '搜索模板文件' , `is_public` = 0 , `list_order` = 10 WHERE `theme` = '2020' AND `file` = 'portal/search' [ RunTime:0.004595s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = '2020' AND `file` = 'public/config' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000442s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
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- [ SQL ] UPDATE `cg_theme_file` SET `theme` = '2020' , `action` = 'public/Config' , `file` = 'public/config' , `name` = '模板全局配置' , `more` = '{\"vars\":{\"enable_mobile\":{\"title\":\"\\u624b\\u673a\\u6ce8\\u518c\",\"value\":1,\"type\":\"select\",\"options\":{\"1\":\"\\u5f00\\u542f\",\"0\":\"\\u5173\\u95ed\"},\"tip\":\"\"}}}' , `config_more` = '{\"vars\":{\"enable_mobile\":{\"title\":\"\\u624b\\u673a\\u6ce8\\u518c\",\"value\":1,\"type\":\"select\",\"options\":{\"1\":\"\\u5f00\\u542f\",\"0\":\"\\u5173\\u95ed\"},\"tip\":\"\"}}}' , `description` = '模板全局配置文件' , `is_public` = 1 , `list_order` = 0 WHERE `theme` = '2020' AND `file` = 'public/config' [ RunTime:0.004387s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = '2020' AND `file` = 'public/nav' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000434s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
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'extra' => 'Using where',
) ]
- [ SQL ] UPDATE `cg_theme_file` SET `theme` = '2020' , `action` = 'public/Nav' , `file` = 'public/nav' , `name` = '导航条' , `more` = '{\"vars\":{\"company_name\":{\"title\":\"\\u516c\\u53f8\\u540d\\u79f0\",\"name\":\"company_name\",\"value\":\"ThinkCMF\",\"type\":\"text\",\"tip\":\"\",\"rule\":[]}}}' , `config_more` = '{\"vars\":{\"company_name\":{\"title\":\"\\u516c\\u53f8\\u540d\\u79f0\",\"name\":\"company_name\",\"value\":\"ThinkCMF\",\"type\":\"text\",\"tip\":\"\",\"rule\":[]}}}' , `description` = '导航条模板文件' , `is_public` = 1 , `list_order` = 1 WHERE `theme` = '2020' AND `file` = 'public/nav' [ RunTime:0.004731s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = '2020' [ RunTime:0.000501s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
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'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_theme_file',
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'possible_keys' => NULL,
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'extra' => 'Using where',
) ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cg_theme` [ RunTime:0.000639s ]
- [ SQL ] UPDATE `cg_theme` SET `name` = 'VFXCG' , `version` = '2020' , `demo_url` = 'https://www.vfxcg.com' , `author` = '米松' , `lang` = 'zh-cn' , `author_url` = 'http://www.vfxcg.com' , `keywords` = 'VFXCG模板' , `description` = 'VFXCG网站模板' WHERE `theme` = '2020' [ RunTime:0.000418s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `more` FROM `cg_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = '2020' AND ( `is_public` = 1 OR `file` = 'portal/list_video' ) [ RunTime:0.000424s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
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- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `seo_keywords` IS NULL LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000319s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
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'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
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'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => NULL,
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'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => NULL,
'filtered' => NULL,
'extra' => 'Impossible WHERE',
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name` FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `seo_keywords` IS NULL LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000321s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
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'table' => NULL,
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'type' => NULL,
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'rows' => NULL,
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'extra' => 'Impossible WHERE',
) ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cg_video_10s` [ RunTime:0.000572s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `url` FROM `cg_video_10s` WHERE `sucai_id` = 1751 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.002778s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
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- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cg_simg` [ RunTime:0.000682s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `url` FROM `cg_simg` WHERE `sucai_id` = 1751 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000376s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
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'partitions' => NULL,
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- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 110 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000329s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
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'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
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- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000229s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
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- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 110 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000304s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
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- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000273s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
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- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 110 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000248s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
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- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000214s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
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'extra' => NULL,
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- [ SQL ] SELECT `url` FROM `cg_video_10s` WHERE `sucai_id` = 1748 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.002779s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
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'extra' => 'Using where',
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- [ SQL ] SELECT `url` FROM `cg_simg` WHERE `sucai_id` = 1748 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000269s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
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- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 113 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000241s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
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- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000232s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
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) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 113 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000233s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
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) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000385s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
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'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
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'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
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'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 113 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000449s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
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'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
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- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000346s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
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- [ SQL ] SELECT `url` FROM `cg_video_10s` WHERE `sucai_id` = 1746 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.002785s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
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'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 11571,
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'extra' => 'Using where',
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `url` FROM `cg_simg` WHERE `sucai_id` = 1746 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000359s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
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- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 112 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000331s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
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'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
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- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000325s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
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- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 112 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000343s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
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'type' => 'const',
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- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000411s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
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) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 112 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000273s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
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- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000333s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
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- [ SQL ] SELECT `url` FROM `cg_video_10s` WHERE `sucai_id` = 1744 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.002846s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_video_10s',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ALL',
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'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 11571,
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'extra' => 'Using where',
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- [ SQL ] SELECT `url` FROM `cg_simg` WHERE `sucai_id` = 1744 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000275s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
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'table' => 'cg_simg',
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- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 28 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000247s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
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'type' => 'const',
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- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000349s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
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- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 28 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000221s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
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'type' => 'const',
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- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000242s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
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'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 28 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000270s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000213s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `url` FROM `cg_video_10s` WHERE `sucai_id` = 1742 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.002701s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_video_10s',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ALL',
'possible_keys' => NULL,
'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 11571,
'filtered' => 9.999999046325684,
'extra' => 'Using where',
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `url` FROM `cg_simg` WHERE `sucai_id` = 1742 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000287s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_simg',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ref',
'possible_keys' => 'sucai_id',
'key' => 'sucai_id',
'key_len' => '4',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 112 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000236s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000212s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 112 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000266s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000230s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 112 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000244s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000258s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `url` FROM `cg_video_10s` WHERE `sucai_id` = 1740 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.002795s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_video_10s',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ALL',
'possible_keys' => NULL,
'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 11571,
'filtered' => 9.999999046325684,
'extra' => 'Using where',
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `url` FROM `cg_simg` WHERE `sucai_id` = 1740 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000253s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_simg',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ref',
'possible_keys' => 'sucai_id',
'key' => 'sucai_id',
'key_len' => '4',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 98 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000302s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000258s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 98 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000264s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000282s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 98 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000229s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000237s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `url` FROM `cg_video_10s` WHERE `sucai_id` = 1737 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.002701s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_video_10s',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ALL',
'possible_keys' => NULL,
'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 11571,
'filtered' => 9.999999046325684,
'extra' => 'Using where',
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `url` FROM `cg_simg` WHERE `sucai_id` = 1737 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000269s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_simg',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ref',
'possible_keys' => 'sucai_id',
'key' => 'sucai_id',
'key_len' => '4',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 26 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000317s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000264s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 26 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000308s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000277s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 26 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000302s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000239s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `url` FROM `cg_video_10s` WHERE `sucai_id` = 1736 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.002561s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_video_10s',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ALL',
'possible_keys' => NULL,
'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 11571,
'filtered' => 9.999999046325684,
'extra' => 'Using where',
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `url` FROM `cg_simg` WHERE `sucai_id` = 1736 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000388s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_simg',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ref',
'possible_keys' => 'sucai_id',
'key' => 'sucai_id',
'key_len' => '4',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 125 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000292s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000307s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 125 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000262s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000270s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 125 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000295s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000339s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `url` FROM `cg_video_10s` WHERE `sucai_id` = 1733 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.002707s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_video_10s',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ALL',
'possible_keys' => NULL,
'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 11571,
'filtered' => 9.999999046325684,
'extra' => 'Using where',
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `url` FROM `cg_simg` WHERE `sucai_id` = 1733 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000249s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_simg',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ref',
'possible_keys' => 'sucai_id',
'key' => 'sucai_id',
'key_len' => '4',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 113 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000272s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000393s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 113 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000360s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000345s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 113 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000966s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000309s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `url` FROM `cg_video_10s` WHERE `sucai_id` = 1731 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003079s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_video_10s',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ALL',
'possible_keys' => NULL,
'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 11571,
'filtered' => 9.999999046325684,
'extra' => 'Using where',
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `url` FROM `cg_simg` WHERE `sucai_id` = 1731 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000314s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_simg',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ref',
'possible_keys' => 'sucai_id',
'key' => 'sucai_id',
'key_len' => '4',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 98 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000340s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000353s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 98 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000325s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000286s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 98 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000327s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000378s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `url` FROM `cg_video_10s` WHERE `sucai_id` = 1728 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.002875s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_video_10s',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ALL',
'possible_keys' => NULL,
'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 11571,
'filtered' => 9.999999046325684,
'extra' => 'Using where',
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `url` FROM `cg_simg` WHERE `sucai_id` = 1728 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000248s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_simg',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ref',
'possible_keys' => 'sucai_id',
'key' => 'sucai_id',
'key_len' => '4',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 28 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000261s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000307s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 28 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000265s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000326s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 28 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000241s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000260s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `url` FROM `cg_video_10s` WHERE `sucai_id` = 1727 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.002590s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_video_10s',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ALL',
'possible_keys' => NULL,
'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 11571,
'filtered' => 9.999999046325684,
'extra' => 'Using where',
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `url` FROM `cg_simg` WHERE `sucai_id` = 1727 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000302s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_simg',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ref',
'possible_keys' => 'sucai_id',
'key' => 'sucai_id',
'key_len' => '4',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 112 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000242s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000232s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 112 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000233s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000230s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 112 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000254s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000286s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `url` FROM `cg_video_10s` WHERE `sucai_id` = 1725 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.002685s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_video_10s',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ALL',
'possible_keys' => NULL,
'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 11571,
'filtered' => 9.999999046325684,
'extra' => 'Using where',
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `url` FROM `cg_simg` WHERE `sucai_id` = 1725 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000275s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_simg',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ref',
'possible_keys' => 'sucai_id',
'key' => 'sucai_id',
'key_len' => '4',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 26 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000249s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000218s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 26 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000244s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000217s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 26 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000260s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000248s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `url` FROM `cg_video_10s` WHERE `sucai_id` = 1724 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.002714s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_video_10s',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ALL',
'possible_keys' => NULL,
'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 11571,
'filtered' => 9.999999046325684,
'extra' => 'Using where',
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `url` FROM `cg_simg` WHERE `sucai_id` = 1724 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000250s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_simg',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ref',
'possible_keys' => 'sucai_id',
'key' => 'sucai_id',
'key_len' => '4',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 27 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000324s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000267s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 27 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000463s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000310s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 27 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000257s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000237s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `url` FROM `cg_video_10s` WHERE `sucai_id` = 1721 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.002772s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_video_10s',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ALL',
'possible_keys' => NULL,
'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 11571,
'filtered' => 9.999999046325684,
'extra' => 'Using where',
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `url` FROM `cg_simg` WHERE `sucai_id` = 1721 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000235s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_simg',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ref',
'possible_keys' => 'sucai_id',
'key' => 'sucai_id',
'key_len' => '4',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 113 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000263s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000226s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 113 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000226s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000386s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 113 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000283s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000251s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `url` FROM `cg_video_10s` WHERE `sucai_id` = 1718 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.004619s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_video_10s',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ALL',
'possible_keys' => NULL,
'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 11571,
'filtered' => 9.999999046325684,
'extra' => 'Using where',
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `url` FROM `cg_simg` WHERE `sucai_id` = 1718 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000312s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_simg',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ref',
'possible_keys' => 'sucai_id',
'key' => 'sucai_id',
'key_len' => '4',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 110 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000348s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000387s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 110 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000331s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000292s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 110 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000293s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000309s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `url` FROM `cg_video_10s` WHERE `sucai_id` = 1717 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.003268s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_video_10s',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ALL',
'possible_keys' => NULL,
'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 11571,
'filtered' => 9.999999046325684,
'extra' => 'Using where',
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `url` FROM `cg_simg` WHERE `sucai_id` = 1717 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000285s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_simg',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ref',
'possible_keys' => 'sucai_id',
'key' => 'sucai_id',
'key_len' => '4',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 110 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000313s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000316s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 110 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000324s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000241s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 110 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000274s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000285s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `url` FROM `cg_video_10s` WHERE `sucai_id` = 1715 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.002843s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_video_10s',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ALL',
'possible_keys' => NULL,
'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 11571,
'filtered' => 9.999999046325684,
'extra' => 'Using where',
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `url` FROM `cg_simg` WHERE `sucai_id` = 1715 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000301s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_simg',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ref',
'possible_keys' => 'sucai_id',
'key' => 'sucai_id',
'key_len' => '4',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 18 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000298s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 13 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000269s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 18 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000287s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 13 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000255s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 18 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000275s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 13 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000321s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `url` FROM `cg_video_10s` WHERE `sucai_id` = 1711 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.004860s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_video_10s',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ALL',
'possible_keys' => NULL,
'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 11571,
'filtered' => 9.999999046325684,
'extra' => 'Using where',
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `url` FROM `cg_simg` WHERE `sucai_id` = 1711 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000310s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_simg',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ref',
'possible_keys' => 'sucai_id',
'key' => 'sucai_id',
'key_len' => '4',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 110 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000348s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000235s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 110 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000253s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000275s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 110 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000231s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000233s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `url` FROM `cg_video_10s` WHERE `sucai_id` = 1710 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.002823s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_video_10s',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ALL',
'possible_keys' => NULL,
'key' => NULL,
'key_len' => NULL,
'ref' => NULL,
'rows' => 11571,
'filtered' => 9.999999046325684,
'extra' => 'Using where',
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `url` FROM `cg_simg` WHERE `sucai_id` = 1710 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000224s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_simg',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'ref',
'possible_keys' => 'sucai_id',
'key' => 'sucai_id',
'key_len' => '4',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 113 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000261s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000219s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 113 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000253s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000441s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 113 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000312s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cg_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 25 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000293s ]
- [ EXPLAIN : array (
'id' => 1,
'select_type' => 'SIMPLE',
'table' => 'cg_portal_category',
'partitions' => NULL,
'type' => 'const',
'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY',
'key' => 'PRIMARY',
'key_len' => '8',
'ref' => 'const',
'rows' => 1,
'filtered' => 100.0,
'extra' => NULL,
) ]